Thursday 28 January 2016

Music Video Anaylsis

Ben Howard- Keep your Head Up
  • The opening shot instantly shows us that it is set in the country side which is traditional in folk music videos.
  • The lighting is natural but clearly displays a filter to emphasise the sunset which is coming in from the right hand side which produces shadow
  • In the foreground the focus is bubbles which may foreshadow childhood, nature and freedom
  • In the background we see trees which are out of focus and dark to bring the audiences attention to the bubbles
  • “Now walking back, down this mountain”
  • The lyrics mirror the action in the video which help the audience understand the meaning of the narrative
  • The main singer is the focus of the video which is typical to a rock video, showing similarities between different genres
  • This is a long shot which introduces more people which links to the lyrics and the narrative
  • It also reveals mise en scene and here we see that they are wearing old clothes which is fitting to the setting
  • The shot is well lighted which so we can clearly see what's going on and give the sense of happiness
  • The high camera angle shows us that they are on a hill but also they are not empowering themselves
  • This shot reflects the ongoing narrative throughout the video of childhood experiences, no worries, nature and happiness
  • The bubbles are repeatedly shown throughout the music video iconic symbol of their theme
  • The colours are natural within the setting as it is based in the forest whereas our eyes are drawn to the slide because it's different and enhances the emotions of feeling calm and free
  • The video is filmed as a ‘home filmed’ video, (hand held); so in this case the equipment they used must be waterproof
  • The light is reflecting off the water which contrasts against the dark trees, bring the attention to the centre and where the people are
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