The first Music Videos:
The earliest video cameras were invented by John Logie Baird 1920s. This music video only came out five years afer the video camera was invetened hence why it is in black and white, constanly filming from one angle and no editing.
Batcat, Jetpack (1932):
This music video came out 12 years after the music video was invented and we can see the imporvment from Vissers to Jetpacks. This video is very much focused on editing and experiementing with angles. It is still in black and white because colour was only invented in 1935. It was produced by gramophone. The band, Batcat, was famous for their experiments with electromagnetism, Geodesic instruments & low frequency subliminal recordings.
Jetpack's genre is electronic, and is fitting to this genre due to the fast editing and alien object in their music video. It differs from modern music videos as although there are short clips of poeple there is no one lip syncing or a main singer who is being focused on. A modern electronic music video is Sigala - Easy Love. The purpose is to emphasis the music instead and listening instead of focusing on what you can see.
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