Saturday, 2 April 2016

Micro Elements- mise-en-scene

Micro Example- Mise en scene- main singer

In this music video there are short clips where, only for a couple of seconds, the mains singers’ mise-en-scene is revealed. This may have been done so that the audience does not focus on what she is wearing but rather what else is happening in the video. She also wears a lot of dark clothing, (often black), which means that she often blends in with the background, apart from her coloured and white wings  which shows the viewer that her wings are the focus, which relates to her storyline. Her hair is down which represents her freedom which is taken from her in the video and this is emphasised when she is running or fighting as it flies everywhere. 

Micro-elements are important when making a professional music video but even the professionals sometimes make mistakes, for example we can se the reflection of a camera in Ironman here...
We must make sure sure that when filming we try not to include any reflection or ourselves in the filming process, for example in mirrors. 

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